
If you would like to get involved fill out the below forms or email destiny@destinyfoundationny.com





“The families from the Elmont School District who received your kindness were amazed that all these preparations had been arranged for their benefit. Such luxury is a great novelty in their lives. From the time that they had been picked up until they were returned home, it was a marvelous adventure which they told me they would never forget”

Norma DeBartolo
Special Assistant for Community Affairs


“Thank you for hosting the MercyFirst youth for your annual Thanksgiving Day brunch. The 85 youth were unable to spend the holiday with family truly appreciated your luncheon. The youth raved about the music, food and candy received. More importantly, they spoke of their new friends and how special you and the volunteers are for spending time with them on a holiday”

Cathy Menzies, LCSW
Sr. Vice President Campus Programs





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Destiny FoundationPeople having funPeople having funPeople having fun

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Destiny FoundationDestiny Foundation

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Destiny Foundation


Destiny FoundationDestiny Foundation

Destiny FoundationDestiny Foundation

Destiny FoundationDestiny Foundation

Destiny FoundationDestiny Foundation

Destiny FoundationDestiny Foundation


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To keep these smiles going, check out how you can help by clicking on our donation page.