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Thanksgiving Events
Some U.S. Hunger Facts
1. 30 million Americans are affected by hunger
2. One in five children are hungry every month
3. Effects of Hunger:
- how people perform at work
- how children perform in school
- a more negative outlook on life
The amount of food wasted each year is more than what is needed to feed the nation's population that is facing hunger.
Unless you've been hungry for more than a day, you don't know what homeless people struggle with every day. They never know how or when they'll eat their next meal. Hunger affects their ability to concentrate and function, making it more difficult for them to find ways to help themselves.
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the holidays? If you're like most people, you probably think of an abundance of food, shopping, decorations, gifts, traditions and time with family and friends.
I have found that over the years the holidays have become too focused on getting instead of giving. As I've thought more with my heart about the holidays, and as I see them becoming more commercialized and a time of stress, I've had to ask myself what they really are all about and how I want to spend those important times.
There are so many people without food in our own communities. For various reasons they don't have the experience of a Thanksgiving feast or the excitement and anticipation of Christmas in a warm home.
Now at the Destiny Foundation the holidays are a time to give and connect with others in need. We are creating the ultimate family holiday experience with a huge Thanksgiving feast for people in need in our very own communities!
Why not create a family celebration for everyone and at the same time start a tradition that can make us all very proud?
There are so many ways that we can all get involved. Try donating some of your time and see how great it makes you feel.
The United States is the richest nation in the world, yet 37 million Americans live below the official poverty line; millions more struggle to get by every month.
The fact that our nation’s leaders allow an overwhelming amount of the country’s population to live in poverty is more than just a gross moral failing. Poverty imposes costs on society in the form of increased crime, broken neighborhoods, and squandered human resources.